How to solve interactive puzzle challenges or reCAPTCHA v2 (which are paid higher, by the way) on the Typer Solver?
Simply click on the the correct items (based on challenge question, for example "select all cars", then you click on all cars) and click on "Next" (or Skip if the item they are asking to select is not displayed) until the challenge is validated.
How to solve reCAPTCHAs (old method, paid at normal rate)?
You will get an image like this, with a challenge:
For this image, all the correct answers that you must click are selected with a blue dot.
You will also get a challenge that will instruct you the correct choice. In the above image, the challenge is SANDWICH, so the correct options are 3. You just need to click the correct answers and right-click on your mouse to send the response.
Note that sometimes you will not receive a text challenge. In this case you just need to click all the images that look like the challenge image.
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